Monday, July 20, 2009

Jackson's 2nd Birthday-Pirate party

Ahoy mateys, come on in and enjoy Captain Jackson's 2nd birthday party. Shannon had a cute wreath to greet us at the door.

And a pirate flag on the walk. Beware all who enter.

Miss Anne is loving on Jacob. Isn't he a cutie pie?

Here I am with my sweet little pirate.

Jackson has a cool drink and a pirate tattoo. Yo Ho ho...

You will find a bowl of goldfish and some pirate booty in the sandpail. Yum!

Cute cupcakes Shannon made.

And the cake was so cute, made to look like our little scallywag.

A watermelon ship with delicious fruit, made by my father, Jackson's great-grandfather, also known as Gaga..

It is hard to roundup a group of kids for a picture.I spy Collier, Jon Duke, Connor, Anna Jayne, William, and Jackson

The little pirate in his hat and eyepatch. Arrgh-he didn't care for it much. I had to take this pic very quickly.

The cake table was set in the dining room.

Hot dogs and chips and dip were served in the kitchen.

Even Aunt Shawn and Uncle Darris got in on the fun.

The candle is lit. Anna Jayne is watching.

Jackson blowing out his candle.

Grandparents, Mamaw and Papaw, and great-grandparents, Nanny and Gaga, in the living room.

Fun with the cousins. and Auntie Ginger.

A pile of loot.

Reed likes the presents too.

Mimi and Buddy with jackson. He was too busy to stop to take a picture.

Off came the clothes and Jackson and Reed tried out the new water table, which was a big hit. A good time was had by all. No one had to walk the plank.

1 comment:

  1. I absolutely love the watermelon pirate ship. I am considering using it for my son's 5th birthday. How creative!
