Saturday, October 31, 2009

Trick-or-Treating Cowboy

We finally got to see our sweet boy tonight. He has been fever free for 2 days now, and seems to be feeling a lot better. Praise the Lord. He and his Mommy were going stir-crazy at home so they all came over to trick-or-treat us. This picture is through the glass of the front door.
He was so cute in his cowboy costume. Would you just look at the nose (dog) smears and hand (boy) prints on the glass. Oh well, who's looking at the glass anyway. Just keepin' it real.
Here he is digging in to his pumpkin I had for him.
Doesn't that face look much better than Monday?
Thank you all for your prayers, and your encouragement this past week. Hope you all had a safe and Happy Halloween!


  1. What a wonderful Halloween Treat for you!

  2. Sheila...very cute...welcome to Ladybug from Texas.....thank you for following my blog...

  3. Oh my he is stinkin' adorable!!! :)

    I nominated you for a Kreativ blogger award! Check out my blog for details!

  4. He is too cute - so glad he is feeling better!

  5. Hello Sheila,
    It's so nice to meet you! Thank you very much for entering my giveaway and for following along on my blog as well. I really appreciate your kindness and look forward to getting to know you.
    Your blog is just wonderful and I'll be back again soon.

    Your son looks precious as a cowboy. What a sweetie!

    Many Blessings and Happy Fall!
    ~Warmly, ~Melissa :)

  6. What a cutie! It looks like he had a great Halloween!
