Wednesday, December 30, 2009

The day after Christmas we went to Joey's brother's home for his family dinner. Here I am with my hubby. I don't know if you can see my necklace. I ordered it from Joy at Cupid's charm I have three of her items, and she does great work.
Our food spread...Maccaroni and cheese, ravioli, lasagna, hash brown casserole, meatballs, green bean casserole, and all kinds of sweets.
This is Joey's dad, better known as Pop and his friend Miss Anne.

Getting all 7 grandkids to pose is not easy.

Opening presents was a big hit.

All the preparation and it is over in a flash.


  1. Don't you just love Joy's jewelry? I have purchased some of her beautiful creations also. The food looks so good, and don't you love it when all the children get so excited over their gifts.
    Happy New Year!!

  2. much fun & so many little ones! I have to check out Joy's jewelry. I wish a happy & healthy New Year!!!
