Saturday, December 12, 2009

It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas

Merry Christmas everyone!I am linking this post to Susan's Deck the Halls party, I will share my attempts at decorating my home for Christmas. (I am experimenting with taking pictures with no flash versus flash. Sometimes I prefer one over the other,and it varies. So, some are better than others, but you will get the gist of the decor. )
Maybe Santa needs to bring us a nice, shiny, new DSLR camera for Christmas.
I've been good...pretty good...well, Ican explain...Ohwell, here goes...
I have placed 2 pairs of wooden shoes by the front door. Do you think Santa will fill them with goodies?

A little greenery under an ordinary birdhouse makes it look a little more Christmasey.

You all know we have dogs galore at this house, 6 to be exact. Their room is the laundry room, so this little nativity is placed fittingly on the washer. My aunt Jody sent the grandkids this set . You'll see the angel, Mary, and Joseph behind baby Jesus, and the shepherds on the left and wise men on the right. A few of them resemble a few of our dogs. As you can see, I'm doing laundry now-only 22 minutes to go.

I placed a chalkboard over my stove and painted it with those increcible chalk paint markers I have told you about. They are fun to use, and I got them at Michaels. Don't forget to use a coupon. I just found out that Michael's takes competitor's coupons, and also has a website you can print coupons from. You see 3 pans of banana bread. It was pretty good, but I am searching for a great banana nut bread recipe. E-mail me one if you have a good one to share at
I also used those Chalk Paint markers on the pantry door. This idea was from Ruthie of Sugar Pie Farmhouse blog. If you haven't seen her blog, you must check it out (after this visit), please.
How about a cup of tea, cider, or hot chocolate?

I added some greenery and berries to the mantle over the stove. too. Just left it as it was and put that greenery on there.
A little more greens, berries, and candlerings to dress up the buffet in the kitchen.

A little skirted side table in the dining room is festive with a leopard print lamp, a centerpiece, an old clock, and some gorgeous Vaseline glass candlesticks. I keep some candy canes in my glass jar, and a little container that holds Bible verses.

The dining room table is decorated with a runner, greenery and berries, candles, redbirds, and lanterns. I am kind of enjoying the natural look this year.

I have a little buffet in my dining room where I placed my largest nativity set. I got it at Hobby Lobby several years ago.
Here it is in a closer shot. I think it is beautiful, and helps me to remember that Jesus came to Earth to redeem me. Thank you Jesus!
This little tree under the cloche is special to me. My mother and I made it about 35 years ago. when I was a teenager. We strung every one of those seed beads on wires, and joined them together into a tree, then glued and wired on miniature ornaments. We had a cloche all those years and didn't even know what a cloche was. Ha. We just called it a dome. It sits on our coffee table in the den unless the 2 1/2 year old grandson is coming over, then up high it goes. We decided that would be best last week, when he took the dome completely off and tried to play with the toys under the tree.
This little side table in the den was an aquarium stand in a former life (rescued from the side of the road). I painted a board in a giraffe pattern for its top. I also painted the little drawers with various animal prints. I seem to have a little touch of animal print in every room.
A little greenery does wonders for anything , doesn't it? Here is the fireplace in the den all gussied up for Christmas. I bought these deer at Old Time Pottery. The large vase belongs to my Mother, and the flickering candles give a nice glow.
We love to sit on the hearth when there is a fire lit. It is so warm.

Here is a little closer shot of the mantel. Even closer...
I just love potpourri, and this wooden bowl always has some in it, according to the seasons.

Thank you for visiting my home for the holidays. Wish you were here in person. We could have such fun. I wish everyone a very Merry Christmas with your families and loved ones.


  1. Mom, you are so creative. I wish I had that many decorations. One day I will, until then I will come and borrow some of yours.

  2. Everything looks so pretty and festive! The banana bread looks so good. Have a great weekend.

  3. Everything is just beautiful, you have a lovely home. Love your nativity scenes, the dog one is cute. Thanks for sharing.
    Merry Christmas!

  4. Loved the tour....I didn't know about chalkboard colors - how cool is that ?
    Hugs ~ Kammy

  5. love the wooden shoes! beautiful home from top to bottom.
    Love it and merry christmas

  6. What beautiful decorations. You have a lovely home. Love those wooden shoes!! :)
    Merry Christmas, bj

  7. Everything is simply awesome. But I especially love the fireplace and mantel. Beautiful!

  8. Love your color scheme for your home and the way you have decorated for Christmas. Beautiful. Have a blessed Christmas!

  9. I love your mantel, but I think I like the tree you and your mom did the most! What a treasure and memory ! You ladies who are decorating laundry rooms are zealous!!! :) Thank you for linking to "Deck the Halls!

  10. You have done a beautiful job. Everything looks wonderful:)

  11. Thanks for the tour. Enjoyed my visit to your beautiful home. ~ Sarah

  12. Hi Sheila! I love your name! LOL Oh, your home is so pretty. I love all of your beautiful decorations! Thank you for allowing us to tour your lovely home.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  13. Hi Shelia,
    You have a beautiful home and you did such a beautiful job of decorating for Christmas, thank you for sharing.

  14. Everything looks so festive. I love the idea of the shoes by the door. You know Santa will fill them up. And you are lucky to have grandchildren to make goodies with. Have a very Merry Christmas. And thanks for sharing your home with us.
