Thursday, December 24, 2009

Lunch Party

Merry Christmas to everyone. We had a little party yesterday. Our friend Betsy came over to exchange gifts and have lunch with us. My mother and I argue over whose friend she is. She was originally my grandmother's neighbor and good friend. She is between our ages, but we both claim her as our best friend. She has a son my oldest daughter's age, and they were friends growing up. She is such a dear person. Enjoy a few pictures from our little get together.

Notice Mother's reclining wheelchair. She still can't sit upright due to sacral fractures, so this is a lifesaver.

Shannon and her boys joined us for lunch.

As usual, Hudson slept through most of the party.

My youngest daughter, Shawn, had to work so she couldn't be a part of our party yesterday. She dressed up as an elf for work. She is a hair stylist. Love those pointed ears.

We are having our family for dinner tonight, and we are getting together with Joey's family Saturday night. We will enjoy a quiet day tomorrow. I hope everyone gets to spend some time with family and good friends.

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