Sunday, January 31, 2010

Baby It's Cold Outside

Baby it's cold outside. Yessirree , its 20 degrees. Not as cold , I think, as they first said it would be.. but that's cold enough for me.
The birds love it. I told you yesterday we threw out some seed. I put out this little seed holder from Hobby Lobby, for them...

And today, it is a feeding frenzy out there.

Jake likes the cold, too, but it is kinda hard for him to walk on the ice.
I was hoping we could grill some steaks today. Maybe inside on the stove?
Oh, wait...what is that I see in the top right of this photo? Could it be? Why yes I believe it is...
Sunshine on my shoulder makes me happy. I am ready now for it to melt away.
I have started putting up a few Valentine's decorations. My husband said he thinks the snowmen should go, but I left them up just a few more days, since I was pretty sure we would be getting snow. I will show you more next time.



  1. I love your valentines BANNER! its do darling! STAY WARM!!!!

  2. The cold little birdies know where the goodies are!!

    And Chris is outside RIGHT NOW, putting a whole chicken on the grill---neither sleet nor snow, etc. . . .
    Chris knows no boundaries when it comes to cooking outdoors---the -12 windchill last week did not deter him. He's manned that grill with the snow flying and I'm necessary only to hold up the big ole umbrella while he bastes and turns, not to keep HIM dry, but to keep the food from getting wet!

    Stay warm, my Faraway Friend!


  3. Sheila...great photos..I guess i need to stop complaining...we are cold...but no ice or snow....

  4. Great pictures! I am with Jake - I don't walk on ice very well either. :-) Ice fell out of the trees on my patio all day - yet the trees are still covered. I could not go out and sweep it off to keep it from freezing in a solid sheet, because I did not have a hard hat.
    Have a nice evening.

  5. Beautiful pictures! And the Valentine banner is darling .. love it. I really should get in the Valentine spirit! Your Jake is a handsome fella.. and looks like you have a whole lotta feathered friends now. Be careful on that ice! -Tammy

  6. Hi, Shelia!
    Found your blog this morning; don't even know from where but I love it! I do remember that the title caught my eye. We have some things in common it seems. I too am a nurse - or was- as I retired in June '09. At 64 I thought I was ready to hang it up and sit down for a while. I taught nursing for the last 20 or so years of my career and that was something I really loved. And another thing, anyone who loves dogs as I do is a friend of mine! They are precious. You have a wonderful family and that is such a blessing. Going to follow your blog- hope you don't mind. I'll be checking in on you from time to time. Hope things warm up soon and spring brings us back some sunshine.

  7. Hee hee hee...I don't usually do this, but I'd like to redirect you to a post on my photography blog where I started it like this. ;)

    here's the link:

    and as a little btw...the temp. in that one pic was actually 1 degree colder before I snapped it...;)

