Monday, January 11, 2010

Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow...

It has been so cold here all week long! We have had temperatures in the single digits. I know you folks up North laugh, but we just aren't used to it down here. We have been busy putting all the Christmas decor away, and settling in for winter. I'll share a few pictures of what I have been up to recently. My little bird house and birdies are now atop an antique secretary that belongs to my parents. This little miniature painting is by Southern artist, Elsie Booker. She was written up in Southern Living Magazine, and her work was in their dream homes last year. I don't know how she can paint something so tiny.
The mantel minus some greenery and candles. A snowman is now on the hearth with a bucket of pinecones and snowflakes.

A soup tureen from the Goodwill on the dining room table with some antique Vaseline glass candlesticks. Some steamy soup sounds nice.

We bought this little side table 2 weeks ago at the flea market. A man from Missouri made it from recycled flooring that came from Illinois.

We went out and cut some branches for my "snowflake tree". You will notice an enamel bowl filled with play "snow". I bought it for my grandson, and he has had so much fun playing in his "snow". You just add water, and it forms snow.

On the buffet is cardinal in an apothecary jar, along with those famous Target bird salt and pepper shakers. Do you notice a bird theme going on? I guess I'm just wishing for Spring .

The tall painted vase belonged to my great-grandmother.

This is a picture showing the secretary. too. It was green when my parents brought it here , and I painted it black and distressed it a bit.

Even Lucy loves to snuggle under a blanket.

I found these mitten candy dishes on my last trip to Goodwill. I placed a winter scarf on the coffee table as a table runner.

A winter pillow, a sweater blanket, and some good reading. Makes me want to snuggle right in with my grandbabies.
See all the toys in the corner...yes, the house looks like a day care center. That's ok. They are only young for such a short time, and I want to enjoy them as much as I can.

I moved my bench into the breakfast room, and added a cozier runner to the table.

Wishing everyone a happy winter. Now I think I'll go get myself a cup of hot chocolate and sit by the fire. Stay warm!


  1. It looks great Mom! I really miss seeing you. Hope to see you Wednesday!

  2. This looks great! You should link this to Barb's party at Grits and Glamour--a tabletop party. Love your tree. Did you love the heat wave :)

  3. Pretty, pretty pretty!!!!! I had so much fun looking at every picture. You have done a beautiful job!

    I have been putting CHRISTmas things away slowly. I would love to keep them up for another month, but I guess it is time.

    Love your door. Cute idea! The snowmen all over your home are to fun also.

    Thank you for all the beauty!
    Enjoyed myself so........

  4. Everything looks great. But - please don't let it snow! :-) I have not done much since I put the Christmas decor away. What GW do you go to? Love the heat wave this week. :-)
    I agree with Susan, link up with the table party at Grits and Glamor.

  5. if you want to warm up....stop by for a visit...

    Everything looks great!

  6. Sheila your home and all of your vignettes are just so beautiful!

    I adore the warm colors you have used throughout. You have a gorgeous fireplace and diplayed it perfectly.

    Many Blessings & Stay Warm!
    ~Melissa :)

  7. I love your chalkboard door!
    Everything is just lovely, I like your wall color it mustard seed?

  8. The wall color is Sherwin Williams baguette.

  9. Love your twig tree....that is perfect for a winter display!

  10. just lovely...every corner of your cozy home. I love the white flakes in with your pinecones at the fireplace. Love all the birds. I just spotted a cardinal chirping in the tree today.

  11. A-DOR-ABLE! I loved every picture! Your home looks wonderful...I don't see any winter blahs at your place!!!! I like the blackboard on the great.
    Have a blessed day!

  12. How cute your chalkboard art work is! So many pretty treasures in this post, and I enjoyed seeing all of them. I LOVE your breakfast room and the way it's furnished. laurie

  13. I really like your site. Love the decor! Thank you so much for entering the Get Clean Giveaway on the Thick Decor Chick blog. I am sorry that you did not win. If you have any questions about my products please fell free to call me at 630-262-1007 or go to my website

  14. Sheila,

    It's always enjoyable to be invited into your warm, welcoming home. Your January decor is just as inviting as Christmas, and the little touches like the snow and the table-runner scarf are clever and add SO much.

    Stay Warm!


  15. You have a lovely home. These pictures are beautiful. I always enjoy my visits to your site

  16. Everything looks just perfect....thanks for the peek into your home.

  17. Love your bird collection. I have collected a few birds and nests and love to incorporate them in my vignettes throughout my home.

    Please come for a visit bond to find a bird or two sometimes. Join me for our Vignette Wednesdays as well.

    Vignette Wednesdays

  18. I love your side table flea market find. That is so cute! I love those ah ha finds! They are the best!

  19. Hi Sheila :)

    Your blog looks wonderful and I LOVE the photos you shared. Your little birds are so sweet!

    I am hoping we don't Let it Snow here, we have about 3 feet and more in the forecast. I am ready for Spring :)

    Have a blessed day!

  20. Cute blog found you on my sisters blog dustylu
