Sunday, March 7, 2010

I haven't posted in so long. We did have to spend time searching for a new car after the old one was totaled. This is not what I wanted to do at this time in my life. We are planning a wedding, and for those of you who have planned or are planning your own weddings, it is a lot of work and takes up ALL your free time. Maybe soon I can sneak a peek at what we've been making for my youngest daughter's wedding. Well, back to the car...

As you can see, we found one. It is a Ford Edge, and I really like it. It is too smart for me , and I haven't learned all about it yet, but I do now how to operate it, and it gets me to work.
And I think she's pretty in red. I am partial to anything in red.
I was also hit with the stomach virus 2 weeks ago and now bronchitis for the past week. Both of which I picked up from the grandsons. Oh, well, they share.
I hope I can manage to post a bit more often, but my life doesn't seem to be slowing down at all. Will it ever?


  1. Oh, Sheila,

    I've missed you!!! I just hoped that the accident hadn't left any residual damage to you or your hubby.

    Your new EDGE looks like a sporty bright conveyance, and isn't it just weird that a machine can do such things these days, even correct YOU when you miss a button or a turn? I get tickled at my Sis's GPS---the voice gets plumb snippy if you don't do what she says.

    I'm just glad you're all ok now, and hope you'll be back full swing soon.


  2. Congrats on the new beauty! I LOVE RED TOO! AND YOU know you get sick from those grandsons by giving them hugs and kisses! ;) feel better, and have a great Sunday! JGG

  3. Like your new ride! I use to have a red Honda and had better luck spotting it in a parking lot. :)
    Sorry you have been under the weather. Yes - Grands are real good about sharing their germs.
    Enjoying these warmer temps.

  4. Congrats on your new car! Love the color. So happy to know your and your Hubby are well. Happy to hear about the upcoming wedding, but it's so much work! Take care!

  5. Sorry you had to buy a new car but love what you decided on. The color looks just like my Mariner.
    Hope your feeling better too.
    Glad your back

  6. welcome the new car...

  7. Glad to have you posting again although I don't think life ever slows down. So, it may be difficult to squeeze in the posts but I'm happy to see them. Love your new car! Hope it serves you long and well. Have a great week.
