Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter Fun

How did you survive the holiday? We had a BUSY but very fun day. I had lunch at our house for all the family. We had ham, carrot souffle, deviled eggs, lima beans, rolls, and homemade pound cake with strawberries and real whipped cream. Yum. Shannon and her family, Shawn, and her fiancee, and my parents were there. After lunch , we sat out on the screened porch, since we had the most beautiful weather ever! We had an egg hunt, watched Jackson play in the sprinkler, and even flew kites, and blew bubbles. Then we drug all the food out and ate it again for supper. Boy was I tired, but it was a good tired. Shawn and Darris were the first to arrive. By the way they will be married in 19 days. Shannon and her family came soon after. We had to take lots of pictures before they could change clothes.
All my kids.My grandsons, Jackson and Hudson.
Then we ate our lunch. I just love those Honeybaked hams.
I found the girls' baskets from their childhood and as a joke the boys got tiny baskets.
And they're off for the egg hunt. I made the adults hold hands to give Jackson an advantage, but that didn't last long, because he didn't need a handicap.
He took the egg hunting very seriously...and found a lot of eggs.He wore his fireman boots since the ground was a little damp.
Shannon is such a character.
My sweet girls. Everyone was making sure all the eggs got found.
Mother and Daddy held Hudson on the porch so he wouldn't get trampled. We put money and candy in the eggs, so everyone sat down to check out their loot. I guess we have started a new tradition.

Jackson wanted to play in the sprinkler, so of course, Joey drug out the hose. Don't worry...we had hot and cold spigots installed when we built the house, so he had warm water to play in. That warm water comes in handy for car washing and washing the dogs.

Shannon blew some good bubbles.

Shawn had a huge bubble wand.

All the "kids" flew kites.
It was a great day.


  1. Looks and sounds like you had a fun day. Great looking family!

  2. What a beautiful family you have! And what a perfect day :) The more Easter egg hunts I see posted, the more I think we need to have one next Easter. Who cares if we're ALL grown up?! Thanks for sharing your day... what precious memories were made! -Tammy

  3. Sheila,

    This whole post made me smile. What a beautiful, fun family!!

    I'm so glad you had such a wonderful day,


  4. I am so glad your Easter was a good one, and that you got to spend it with your family! :) I hope you have a great Monday!

  5. Your grandbabies are my favorite, but your entire family is gorgeous. What a gift!
