Thursday, May 27, 2010

Spring Planting

We finally got around to planting some plants and flowers around here. We have been so busy with wedding plans, but we needed some color.I have a rooster planter that I planted some Mexican heather in. You know I do love my roosters.

My garden flag welcoming guests, ...another thing I like...birds. The rocking chairs need to be refinished or painted. Can't decide what I want to do with them yet.
I found this cute herb planter tucked full of pretty flowers.

I enjoy sitting on the porch on a cool day.

We put some ornamental grass and sweet potato vine in the planter.

Here is a funny story about this plant. It is an ANTIQUE! Yes, it really is. When I was about 14 years old, I walked down to a nearby plant store and bought this plant. I carried it home in a tiny dime store sack, worried all the way that the wind that day would break a leaf. Well , here it is 35 years later. Over the years we have had 2 or 3 different dogs who have chewed it down to just a stalk. My grandson has pulled leaves off it, and I have not treated it as nicely as I should have. But it is TOUGH. I plan to repot it this year and give it some new soil. If I do it would probably die from shock.
I keep my garden shoes by the back door for easy access.

I have 2 hydrangeas we transplanted from my parents house. They didn't look too good last year, but they are blooming this year. Hopefully they will make it.

Joey made this garden bench for me several years ago. In fact, he made 3 of them. We planted
some Knock-Out roses in the planters. They smell good. I may make a more permanent rose bed later in the year, but they didn't cost any more than a pot full of bedding plants would have. This is where I sit and watch Jackson play on the swingset. Need to get some grass growing here.

Aren't the colors in these hanging baskets pretty?

Love the pinks...

I have several ferns on the screened porch. I really love to sit outside at night back there. You would not believe how loud the frogs can get.

I hope you enjoyed my little garden tour.


  1. Everything looks gorgeous Mom! We are having withdrawls...need to come out and see everything! See you Monday

  2. Thanks for sharing your beautiful flowers - really like the hanging baskets. I like the idea of a monthly vignette of special events - your previous post.
    Have a safe and fun weekend.

  3. Oh the "antique plant" is looking good. You need to show it a little more love.

  4. Beautiful flowers!!! That is so cool about the antique plant! I didn't realize Shannon is your daughter..she ordered cookies from me for the wedding party dinner!! You have a very sweet adorable daughter!! I can't wait to make the Tool cookies for her! Laurie

  5. Thanks so much for visiting my blog and becoming a follower! I'll put your blog on my blogroll so that I can keep up with you! Blessings, Becky
