Thursday, March 11, 2010

The Countdown Begins

Well, the countdown has begun. We have 44 more days to get it all together.
On my chalkboard door I have featured a countdown and some photos from Shawn and Darris' engagement photo shoot. The quote says: "Happy marriages begin when we marry the ones we love, and they bloom when we love the ones we marry". So true!

We have her first shower this Sunday at my longtime friend ,Betsy's house.

Shawn is getting so excited. I believe we will have a good turnout.

The invitations have been mailed. Shannon just called, and said she received hers today.

My sister-in-law, Ginger did a beautiful job printing them.

Now to keep it all organized and tie up all those loose ends.

Ready or it comes...soon.


  1. Love the chalkboard door... and to be able to write sweet messages as you did and add pictures, to fun! what an exciting the invitations and the peacock feather. Have good one, JGG

  2. AHHHH, the Anticipation!!! It's like birthdays and parties and family fun and the nicest occasion you've ever been to in your life, and it's OUT THERE, approaching, as you feel that little tickle of joy in your tummy and await it with such delight.

    I wish I still lived close---I still have SO many trays and cloths and napkins and candlestands and cake stands and so much silverware---I still use most of it now and again, but I do more lending than home use any more. And my first instinct when anyone says they're having a party is to want to go rambling in closets and chests and hand over anything they might find of use.

    You're just doing an exemplary job with all the work that's involved (four of our seven are married) and I SO enjoy getting ready for a wedding. And your ideas and lovely arrangements and all the clever things you've created---Wow.

    Best to you all, and ENJOY every minute!!!

  3. the countdown begins....congrats! found out on Tuesday I'm giving a bridal shower for my daughters best friend a week from sunday...lots to do...but fun..

  4. How exciting! Love your chalkboard door!!!

  5. how exciting. I remember so may of the details from all that planning --fun times.

    I am letting everyone know that I have moved my blog to my new site
    I need to ask you, to please go over and RE-SIGN up to follow me over there. Google won't let you take your Followers with you so you are no longer getting my info in your reader, unless you have gone over and signed up. Sorry if you have already done so, I am trying to go back and forth between both blogs as well as my new e-mail and my old e-mail.
    I have lots of fun things going on over at the new blog, so I hope you will hop on over and check it all out.

    I also have a new give-a-way starting tomorrow.

  6. Love the countdown board! Won't be long, all of this will be a wonderful memory for all.
    Hope you are having a great week.

  7. LOVELY invitations... love the feather!

  8. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  9. That's so creative. I love the chalkboard door, and then to personalize it with the upcoming wedding is really darling. I love the invites too!

  10. That is SO sweet! I love how creative it is--and how exciting!


  11. I've been looking at your wedding posts - this is going to be a beautiful wedding! I can't wait to see photos from the big day. :)
