Sunday, March 28, 2010

With 28 days to go, I should have been doing projects for the wedding. But what did I do instead? .....We went to John Deere Day , of course. We decided that with wedding planning and our usual chores, life had just about beaten us down, so we needed a break, and we took it. What fun we had. We met Shannon and her family at our local John Deere dealership for an exciting day. Jackson enjoyed playing in a feed trough filled with shovels and buckets to scoop feed corn. Hudson enjoyed kicking back in his stroller.
Joey and his little man sure love the tractors.
They even climbed up inside. That tractor was over $50,000. Wow.
Dream on...
Jackson rode a pony.
Giddy up...
Shannon and her little fellows.
Hudson just took it all in. He has the brightest eyes and such a sweet disposition.
I guess this is the closest Jackson has been to chickens and ducks.
He got to pet a goat.

Easter Bunny showed up with eggs for the kids, but Jax wasn't so sure. We enjoyed hamburgers and hot dogs for lunch.
Jackson tried milking the cow. They had a tank of water inside that cow. He had a tough time squeezing hard enough.

I believe his favorite thing of all was climbing up on all the equipment.
Mimi and Buddy do love these boys.
Shannon and Jason with their little guys.
One tired baby.

Jackson loves his Buddy so much. They are going off into the sunset to explore more tractors.

A very fun day was had by all. To top it all off , Joey and I went to eat our favorite...Mexican food last night. I think that was the best day I've had in a very long time.


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