Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mothers Day Blessings

It is said of that Proverbs 31 woman,"Her children rise up and call her blessed". Well, I am like her in that way...I am blessed. I may not measure up in other aspects of her character, but I am definitely blessed! I am still fortunate to have my Mother with me, to have had a wonderful mother-in-law and two dear grandmothers who now reside in Heaven, and two beautiful (on the inside and outwardly too ) daughters, 2 great sons-in-law, and 2 precious grandsons. See, I told you I am blessed. Happy Mother's Day to all mothers.

On a lighter note...
We had our get together last night with the girls and families. I received 2 cute cards, both humorous.
Shannon made this for my Mother's Day gift. First, I'll show you the sweet picture she took of the boys. I just love those smiles. And she made the cute magnets by gluing scrapbook paper to the backs of glass discs and placed magnets on them.
Then she covered a piece of metal with burlap, and Jason drilled holes in it for a ribbon. I love my message board. She said she has blisters on her fingers from the hot glue seeping up through the holes in the burlap. I can relate after making that "W" wreath.
I am proud to hang it in my laundry room. I am in there during many of my waking hours, so I will certainly get to enjoy it there. You know, like that Proverbs 31 woman taking care of the needs of her household, ha.
Shawn gave me a rock as my gift from her. It is a beautiful piece of petrified wood she and Darris got me from their honeymoon to the Grand Canyon.
I just love rocks...
Look at all the pretty colors...
and layers...

She knows how I like roosters, so she also brought some folk art and a stone piece from the Indians out there.

I asked her to pick out some earrings for me while she was there, and she found these. I can't wait to wear them, and she surprised me with a pendant to match.

Darris and Shawn shared their pictures as a slide show on the TV for all of us to enjoy. They were breathtaking. Several looked like postcards. They experienced a nice stay at a bed and breakfast, hiking, snow, swimming at the pool, biking, camping at the Grand Canyon,not to mention driving over 3400 miles in less than 2 weeks, and so much more. They will have wonderful memories for a lifetime.
I am so proud of my entire family, and they have made it nice to be a mother. I hope everyone is as blessed this year as I have been. Happy Mother's Day.


  1. You are such a sweet daughter. Your daddy and I Feel so Blessed for all you and Joey do for us.
    Wish I could Sign off better, but you know who I am.
    Love You!

  2. Sounds like you have had a great Mother's Day
    Happy Mother's Day!

  3. Sheila, you are indeed blessed. I love seeing your pictures and all those lovely presents for Mother's Day. I love your blog and look foward to exploring it a bit. Thanks for becoming a follower on my blog, I love meeting other bloggers and seeing what they are up to. Happy Mother's Day! Marla

  4. Hi Sheila,
    Sounds like you had a wonderful Mother's Day, I'm so glad.
    There is nothing better for any child, young or old, than to have a Godly praying Mother.
    Hugs, Cindy S

  5. That rock "rocks". I love rocks too -- so much color, texture, sparkle! Very unexpected. I love to use large chunks of colorful rock, but they're not easy to find. You were gifted a beautiful piece.
