Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Spring/Garden Vignette

I have had a day off from work today-the first with nothing I absolutely had to do in a long time. We finally went through all the boxes from the wedding, and got them carried upstairs. I am tired! I have been puttering around and doing laundry all day. Just trying to get caught up. I will share some of my Spring decorations with you.
If you have been following my blog, I'm sure you have noticed that I like birds (among my many other collections) . This little birdie tea light holder came from Dollar Tree.
The cut glass card holder came from Goodwill. I keep a stack of Bible verses in it. This verse says, "Cast your cares on the Lord, and He will sustain you" from Psalm 55:22-that is just what I need right now. God is good!

This framed print also came from Goodwill. I bring it out every Spring with my birds.
I spent some time this past weekend making a Spring / garden vignette on my entry table. I placed the moss covered "W" from Shawn's wedding on it. She will probably take it from me when she gets home from her honeymoon. Maybe she won't remember. I am linking to Marty's party a little late
Here, you can see the W a little better. Joey cut it out for me and I covered it with a box of sheetmoss we got from our florist. When we were looking for a large moss covered letter, the cheapest one I could find was over $100.00 and about $45.00 for shipping. Too much for me to pay. We just used several layers of foam core board and lots of hot glue. After burning my fingers several times, I see why they are so expensive, but I do love the way it turned out.
This is the bottom shelf of my display.

I added a garden finial from the flea market, a little "Bless this home" sign from Hobby Lobby, a cloche from Tuesday Morning, and a wire topiary cage from the garden center.
The wood flower box just came from Goodwill a few weeks ago as did the metal scoop.

My bunnies are also a thrifty find. The metal and glass terrarium was found on my parents backporch when they moved. I filled it with moss covered rocks.

I clipped seed packets to my wire cage with some mini clothespins.
I just love those little clips.
I also brought in an old watering can from the garden.

This metal basket from Goodwill holds some Springy plates, also from you know where.

I placed a nest on a pedestal in my cloche.
The little robin was found on my most recent goodwill trip. She is from a Hallmark collection, and was still in the box.

I probably shouldn't tell everyone all my secret places to shop. Ha.
We have been enjoying some beautiful weather here in the Memphis area over the past few days, but we were hit hard this past weekend. We had 14 inches of rain, and our house was struck by lightning very early Sunday morning. We were without cable and internet until yesterday. The cable guy said the wire to the cable box was fried. We still have some phones out, and the power surge fried my TV in the laundry room and the power cord/charger to my computer. I replaced the cord yesterday, and couldn't believe a cord could cost $80.00. I now have a surge protector between it and the outlet. I am just thankful the computer didn't get fried, and we were so fortunate the house didn't catch on fire. I do know it woke all of us from a dead sleep when it hit. I shouldn't complain though, with all those poor people in Nashville with the flooding they are experiencing. Roads are still closed, and much devastation. It is bad up there and will be for some time. Please keep them in your prayers. My cousin and her family live in Franklin, but they were spared the flooding at their home.
Hopefully this nice weather will hold out for all the cleanup that will have to be done.

Take care. It is good to be back online.


  1. I love your display. Something I personally struggle with. You did a great job :D

  2. Sheila-Love your spring vignette and you did a fabulous job on the "W"---maybe you should hide it :). I am sorry to hear about all your problems from the weather. Our daughter's car flooded and she is right in the middle of town--water up to door handle :(

  3. It's good to have you back---I just thought perhaps you were plumb Tuckered Out, and getting some rest after all that work. Maybe looking at pictures and reminiscing over the lovely day.

    Instead, you've been working away, feathering your already-beautiful nest. All your ideas and lovely things make wonderful moments and vignettes---I still remember how charming was that Wedding Dress draped on your china cabinet for that shower last year (it's what got me started on your blog---first post I ever read, and I liked it---I'm still here!)

    Do you have to spritz that moss "W" to keep the green color? I'm not familiar with the sheet stuff, but have had lots of it in and on hanging baskets, etc., and it seemed to live longer than the flowers inside.

  4. Really like the vignettes on the table. Years ago, I saw someone buying a "lot" of the plastic swans (the tacky ones). She was going to cover them in the raindeer moss for a wedding. I have a feeling they turned out beautiful. Better hide the W before your daughter gets back.:)
    Enjoy this beautiful weather.

  5. Sheila, I absolutely love the moss covered W. I think all your birdies are so sweet and I you sound just like me with all your gW treasures. Isn't it fun? I have to go there at least a couple times a week whenever possible. I know I am going to have fun following your posts. Marla

  6. OH your table set up as a Garden center is just spectacular. I love everything about it. Of course you know that I love the cloche, it is wonderful, but you've used such really cute things, the finial, terreriam, statures, bunnies, boxes and just so many perfect things. It really looks super. Thanks so much for joining the party. Hugs, Marty

  7. This is a beautiful display Sheila. I love the way you have put the seed packets on the wire cage-very clever!

    Your blog is so lovely too. Those wedding pictures are gorgeous!

    Best wishes,
