Saturday, August 21, 2010

Pear Preserves

I went to an estate sale yesterday, and found a few "treasures". One of the homeowner's granddaughters was selling pears 10 for $1.00. I bought 10 and came home and peeled them...
I covered them in sugar for a few hours.

Covered the bowl with a vintage towel (purchased also at the aforementioned sale)...

I added a little lemon juice, a dash of salt, and a smidge of cinnamon. Then I cooked them for a long time (several hours) til tender and golden to make some preserves.... Here is my one jar...

My sister in law, Ginger, brought me this beautiful loaf of honey wheat bread yesterday from a nearby Amish bakery.

So...this morning, I toasted it up...
slathered it in butter...

and preserves...



  1. Oh it looks so yummy. Love your scale too. Isn't it wonderful to have such beautiful fruit and the fresh preserves is fabulous. Good for you. Hugs, Marty

  2. Perfect, Sheila.

    That's exactly how we got the pears for our preserves the last two years---Chris stopped at a yard sale last year and asked if he could buy some of the pears littering the ground out in the side yard. They said pick up all of them if he'd just get them out of the way.

    He brought home about a bushel and a peck (because he bought one of each basket from them).

    They're made in the exact way that I helped my Mammaw make all these many years ago.

    Yours look SO beautiful, and your presentation is lovely---I love to see a pretty plate, even if just for YOU.

  3. Looks good! My Mother use to make pear preserves.
    I was typing a comment on here at 11:05 this morning, heard a big boom (transformer blew) and was without power for 4 hrs. - makes a person nervous when the temps are rising. :-D
    Have a great week.

  4. Your pear preserves look delicious!
